

    Digital Scrapbooking For Everyone
    A New Way To Preserve Cherished Memories

    Preserve memories with creative interaction.


    Endless Storytelling Possibilities Await You.
    Create, Share, and Relive Your Most Cherished Moments.

    Share stories beyond social media.


    Revolutionary Memory Preservation Technology
    For The Digital Age

    Multimedia stories with social interaction.

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Digital Scrapbooking plus much more!

Scrapbooking is a great way to arrange, present, and preserve your precious memories. It has many other benefits that attracts millions of enthusiasts to its creative and social interaction.
Social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest have become the most popular platforms for sharing pictures and comments. Social media provides an easy and convenient way to store and share pictures, but it has lost some of the primary benefits of scrapbooking – the ability to arrange and embellish your pictures to tell a specific story.

Social media platforms are, at best, fragmented stories of scattered pictures and shallow comments sprinkled across the Internet.
Digital scrapbooking was an evolutionary step that merely automated the creation of physical and online scrapbooks into printed books.
The next generation of preserving memories will be revolutionary to utilize the online capabilities of animated special effects, multimedia audio and video, deep meaningful stories, automated presentations, and social interaction. The world has gone online with social media and mobile phones. The next generation of preserving memories meets the people where they are today.


Storyboards are a brand-new social media solution to better share your pictures and tell your stories. You can graphically organize your pictures and stories around specific topics and share your thoughts, feelings, and adventures with your friends and family everywhere and forever. Storyboards can be about anything from a collection of simple short personal stories about recent events to elaborate self-published books on important topics. You can have multiple linked Storyboards for various purposes to share your text, audio, and video stories. Some of the unique capabilities of the Storyboard technology include:

● Graphically organize your pictures into cohesive stories
● Tell the detailed stories behind each picture
● Add video, audio, music, and voice recordings
● Create animated special effects
● Create automated graphical presentations
● Have likes, followers, and comments on any story

The possibilities are virtually endless... What stories do you have to tell?


A Unique Storyboard Technology!

Personal Legacies, Family Histories, Memorials!

Interactive, graphical storyboards viewable anytime on the Internet. Storyboard legacies stay alive for future generations that you may never meet. Visitors can follow and post comments.

Storyboards are a brand-new social media technology that allows people to tell their life stories in an interactive and graphical way unlike anything currently available on the Internet. Storyboards allow people to graphically organize their pictures and, most importantly, share the intimate stories behind each picture about their thoughts, feelings, and adventures. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the intimate stories behind the pictures are priceless.
Each picture can include a story that the visitor can read or listen to in a popup window when they click on a picture. Stories can include formatted text, pictures, links, and embedded audios and videos. Pictures may also take the visitor to another Storyboard with additional story details. Pictures can include animated special effects and popup messages when the visitor moves the mouse over them.
Storyboards can be played as fully automated shows. A sequence of pictures is zoomed to the center of the page while a voice narrates a description of each picture. Grandparent’s voices can be recorded and never forgotten.
Each Storyboard has a public link that can be shared with friends and family anywhere on the Internet. Some people may choose to keep their Storyboards private and viewable only by those to whom they give access. People can also view full Storyboard visitor statistics.
Storyboards are a complete social media platform that visitors can follow and post comments on any story. The public link to a Storyboard or any of its stories can be posted on any of the other popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
Refer your friends and family to Storyboards and receive an additional free Storyboard with a 1-year Storyboard Editor license for each referral.
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Available Worldwide!

Supporting all languages around the world. Experience seamless global accessibility with our comprehensive platform.


Priceless Memories!

Completely FREE Storyboard!

Priceless stories that now will always be remembered. Refer your friends and family to earn additional Storyboards for all of your important life events.


Earn an additional FREE Storyboard for each referral.

Happy Family